Construction on the first stage of the new Hamilton Rise Development is set to begin in the coming weeks after Stage 1 sold out last December.
Yassites may have noticed the large fenced-off area as you travel home from Canberra located along Yass Valley Way which eventually will become home to close to 1,100 people, with up to 500 homesites upon completion.
Currently, 179 blocks are DA Approved with the smallest block sitting at around 620m2 and ranging up to 1,300m2.
Local Yass businessman and Hamilton Rise developer Michael Agnew said they wanted to provide a community that offers people space and a larger than ordinary backyard.
“Housing affordability is an issue across the country, and I think it’s safe to say that the proof of our affordability was in the sell-out of Stage 1,” Michael said.
“The majority of our buyers came from Canberra again because the price in Canberra is certainly outstripping affordability, which affects lifestyle and how people want to live.”
Located about 45 minutes from Canberra, Michael expects the Barton Highway duplication will ease traffic congestion and speed up travel times.
“But let’s face it – more and more people are ditching the five days per week commute and are choosing a hybrid working from home model and that’s where Hamilton Rise is the perfect choice.”
“You can build a brand-new home on a large block at a far more affordable price than anything available in Canberra and the big bonus is the regional community.”
Civil works on Stage 1 will be undertaken by RAM Constructions, which comprises 49 residential blocks and one multi-unit block. This stage of works will include bulk earthworks across the stage, servicing (water, sewer, electricity, NBN etc), roads and pavement, and landscaping.
“We are hoping to mobilise onsite in the next couple of weeks and commence our civil works,” Michael said.
“We’re excited to construct this first stage of Hamilton Rise and will continue to talk with our buyers and database on progress via monthly construction updates.”
The impact of construction noise on nearby residents remains to be seen but the development’s civil contractor will contact nearby residents and advise them of the construction timetable.
Completion of Stage 1 is currently set for the end of 2022, however, may be subject to delays due to Covid and extreme weather.
“Our Civil construction team has certainly factored rain delays into the program,” Michael said. But with this season’s unpredictable weather it’s unknown how it may translate to the ground.
“We’re seeing this pandemic not only affect businesses through staff shortages, but the construction industry has been going through unprecedented supply issues.”
But Michael said his team has factored in these concerns and is still aiming for completion at the end of the year.
Hamilton Rise will also feature a park and a local facilities precinct which is currently in Stage 4 of the project with planning for the use of the space currently underway.
Hamilton Rise is hoping to release the next stage of residential land in mid-2022. If you wish to keep up to date on lot availability, then jump on their website ( and join the database.
By Brianna O’Rourke