Two concept designs for the new playground proposed for Riverbank Park are expected to be put on public exhibition post the Council meeting tonight.
As announced in May, Yass Valley Council secured $1,784,700 worth of funding to go towards the redevelopment of the playground at Riverbank Park. The project is part of the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program, which is an NSW Government initiative with the central aim of improving development assessment speeds in local government.
Stage One of the project requires Council to develop concept plans to present to the community, who will have the opportunity to provide input on their preferred design. GroupGSA Pty Ltd developed the concept designs for the Riverbank Park Playspace. They met with Council staff, who provided them with information regarding the history of the location, the opportunities and constraints of the area, as well as feedback from prior community consultation.
The draft designs incorporate the following:
- Adventure Playground (including a flying fox)
- Amenities Block (Toilets)
- Passive open space area BBQ facilities (to remain in existing location)
- Fitness Station (can be relocated)
- Internal access roads, pedestrian paths,
- Fencing, seating, waste receptacles
- Lighting Irrigation Signs (identification, directional)
Pending a motion from the Councillors, the two designs should be placed on public exhibition in the near future. Details on how to provide input on your preferred playground design will be available at a later date.
While it still may be a long way off completion, the playground entering the next stage of the development process will be welcome news for the young families of the Yass Valley.
Max O’Driscoll