Over the weekend, Yass Police took part in Operation Fume, which was on the 9th and 10th of September. The Hume Police District conducted 1218 Random Breath Tests, and out of those, a total of 9 drivers were charged with PCA offences. 351 Random Drug Tests were also conducted, with 14 of those drivers returning positive readings. 

Yass Police found one PCA during the operation. 

“Operation Fume is a State-wide Traffic and Highway Patrol led operation focusing on road safety and reducing the incidence of drink and drug driving,” said Yass Police Inspector David Cowell. 

Across all of NSW,  the operation conducted 1093 roadside drug tests, resulting in 86 positive drug tests.

Police also conducted 3971 random breath tests, which resulted in 37 people being charged with PCA offences.

Western Region Operations Manager, Superintendent Luke Rankin said these operations ensure there is no complacency on the road and that the right choices are made.

“Consuming alcohol or drugs impairs your ability to operate a road vehicle and can lead to life-changing consequences,” Supt Rankin said.

“The message is simple, keep to the speed limit, wear a seatbelt, and a helmet for motorcyclists, having a plan B to get home safely if you are drinking, and focusing on the road.

“Officers attached to the Western Region Command will continue to provide safer regional roads across our region,” he said. 

Police advise the community can expect similar operations carried out by Police in the future.

Image at top – previous Police activity in Yass Valley involving Police testing van

Southerly Jones