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Yass Rams Host Season Launch and ‘The Boys Above’ Commemorative Shield

It was a busy weekend for the Yass Rams Rugby Union Club, with the Club hosting their season launch on Friday night (March 24th) and ‘The Boys Above’ commemorative shield on the following Saturday.

The Club’s season launch was held at Warroo Homestead on Wee Jasper Road on Friday night which received a warm welcome.

The Rams backed up again on Saturday hosting The Boys Above Shield against the Tuggeranong Brown Snakes at Victoria Park, before hosting the post-match function and jersey auction at the Club’s major sponsor, Clubhouse Hotel.

Rams Coach Ian McFarlane spoke to The Times following a massive weekend for the Club.

“Both events went very well. On the Friday night we had our season launch at Warroo Homestead. We had about 70 people in attendance. It was a first class night, it was one of the better nights I’ve experienced. It was a very good night,” McFarlane said.

“It was good to see a lot of the old boys there on Friday night at the season launch and then to coincide with the day after with the old boy’s day, it was a great weekend for the Club.

“On Saturday, we had our old boy’s day, or The Boys Above, which is a traditional game that we play with the Tuggeranong Brown Snakes.

“We had fathers playing with their sons, with about four or five sets of father and sons playing together, which was very nice.

“Tuggeranong ended up winning the game 21-10, but the game was just about playing in good spirits.

“It’s great to be back after not having a team last year. We’ve bounced back really well this year, we’ve got about 25 players on the books at the moment which is good, and a lot of young fellas which is even better. We mightn’t win a lot of game games, but we’re back on the field, and we’ll build from there.

“We had 40 players and a decent crowd. We all went back to the Clubhouse afterwards, which was packed. We auctioned off the jerseys there post-match.

“That money will now be divided up and donated amongst the mental health charities.

The Rams will have one final pre-season match this Saturday in Boorowa.

“We look onwards and upwards to our trial against Boorowa this weekend, at Boorowa at 3pm on Saturday. We’ll see how we go from there.”

Tim Warren




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