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Yass Police taking zero tolerance stance on patrons failing to leave licensed premises when asked

Over the last six weeks there have been repeated incidents where police were called to licensed premises due to people failing to leave after being asked to do so.

Inspector Dave Cowell of Yass Police Station said they will be taking a zero-tolerance approach.

“Anybody asked to leave a licensed premises and they refuse to do so will receive a fine from police,” he said. “Not may. Will.”

There have been several incidents recently, including last weekend on July 9.

On Saturday afternoon at around 3pm a 29-year-old man was identified at a local hotel as being excessively intoxicated and was asked to leave the premises by the manager.

Later that night, he made several attempts to regain entry to the premises. At 9:30pm, he was found again to be on the licensed premises, despite being asked to leave earlier due to his intoxication.

The police were called, and he was found outside the premises where police spoke to him. Inspector Cowell said he had committed a number of offences and will receive up to four infringement notices for failing to leave and also returning to a licensed premises after being asked to leave. Each fine is $550 totalling $2,200.

“Whether it’s a hotel, club or a restaurant,” Inspector Cowell said. “If it’s a licensed premises and you’re asked to leave, by failing to leave you’re actually committing an offence and can be given a $550 on the spot fine for failing to leave.”

“We’ll be taking a zero-tolerance approach,” he said. “I’ve got no time for people who are disorderly when intoxicated and affect the comfort of others while they’re trying to enjoy a quiet beer with friends or meal with family.”

Additionally, Yass Police are doing Blue Stone Patrols down the main street in Yass and surrounding villages like Binalong, Bowning, and Jugiong.

Inspector Cowell said the patrols provide an opportunity for any locals who have a question or query they wish to ask their local police.

The high visibility policing increases interaction with the community and local businesses.

“The idea of these patrols is to make their police more accessible,” he said. “Feel free to ask them a question when you see them in the street.”

“We will talk to anyone and everyone so if they have a question they want to ask their police just talk to them while they’re out.”

Brianna O’Rourke

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