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SPIN Sets the Date for Bowning Hill Walk this month!

The Yass Valley will be pleased to know SPIN Foundation has set the date for their annual Bowning Hill Walk and is looking forward to a great day on the 28th of May, from 10 am til 3 pm. An exclusive opportunity to take in spectacular panoramic views of the Yass Valley and a great day out in the fresh air for families, Bowning Hill is only open one day a year to the general public. 

The cost of entry will be $5 per person or $20 per family. SPIN Foundation will be holding a barbecue on the day for walkers to purchase some well-deserved food following their walk up the Hill. SPIN President Barry O’Mara said they usually hold the barbecue at the bottom of the hill after people have completed the walk, but that they are contemplating, weather permitting, having it on top of the hill for this year’s walk.

“So people can spend a little bit longer up on top of the hill and take advantage of the beautiful views of the Yass Valley,” said Barry.

Luff Motors have generously provided a car on the day so that anyone unable to walk up Bowning Hill will still be able to take part in the day and enjoy the beautiful views. There is also a smaller walk on top of the hill for these travellers to take part in if they would like to do so. 

“It doesn’t disadvantage people who can’t walk,” explained Barry.

The courtesy car will be running for the entirety of the event.

Great family day out for siblings Rosella and Jasper

Along with Luff Motors, other local businesses have sponsored SPIN Foundation and have been vital to bringing the event to the community.

The road came into poor condition after recent rain events and Barry said, “T&M Bobcat and Tipper Hire have offered to fix the road for us as that road was in a poor state. We’ve just had the road repaired, they donated their time and machinery to do that.”

“We’ve also had Agnew Hire Yass Valley come on board as a sponsor for the day. They have given us toilets and other things we need on the day to make the day work.”

Barry said that for those who have never walked Bowning Hill, it’s well worth making the day.

“It’s an opportunity for people to be able to get together as a family group and enjoy some exercise. It’s a really good opportunity to see the 360-degree views of the Yass Valley, it’s quite amazing,” he shared. “We’ve had people every time we’ve had a walk over the last ten years or however long it’s been going for.”

“People put it on their bucket list every year, they just can’t get enough of it,” said Barry.

The funds raised from the Bowning Hill Walk will go directly to SPIN Foundation’s general patient group, which is used to keep the foundation going as well as the day-to-day patient costs that people apply to the Foundation. 

“100% of the money raised on the day goes straight back into that patient fund, there’s no hidden or administration costs or anything like that, it’s all straight back into our Yass Valley,” said Barry.

Griffin Palen


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